honor • share • celebrate
indigenous wisdom through cultural events

The Shining Mountains Indigenous Film Festival

The 2024 Shining Mountains Indigenous Film Festival was a success.

Join us in 2025 -October 17th & 18th

For more info click here!

Our vision is inspiring.

Our mission is to increase awareness in the Roaring Fork Valley of Indigenous presence, history, and wisdom through cultural exchange and community education; to support tribal members and grassroots Indigenous programs that facilitate social and economic development opportunities.

We need your support! Please donate today.

Why we do it.

Many factors have contributed to the oppression of indigenous cultures in America. The frantic over development in the oil and gas industry on tribal lands, the spreading of men’s camps, the unhealed generational traumas, and ongoing genocide negatively impacts the already impoverished reservations. Our goal is to honor and respect the wisdom of the Native American Indians, to promote and share their rich cultures, and educate about the true history that has been left in the dark for too long. We believe it is time to unite, heal, and come together as indigenous children of mother earth.

Programs + Events

The first “peace” which is the most important – comes from the souls of people when they realize their oneness with the universe and all its powers. It is when they realize that at the center of the universe dwells the Great Spirit, and that center is everywhere; it is within each of us.
— Black Elk - Oglala Sioux