Youth Equine Ride

Your participation changes the lives of indigenous youth by reconnecting them with their roots.

The Ride of a Lifetime

Annually june 20-25

The Aspen Indigenous Foundation – in collaboration with tribal members of the Northern Cheyenne Reservation (MT) - is a proud sponsor of this epic horse ride, following in the footsteps of the iconic Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull. The Equine Youth Ride is an opportunity for children and teens to connect with the Horse Nation during a 4 day healing process together with the Native Spiritual Leaders and Elders.

Recounting the history, teachings, sacred songs, and emphasizing indigenous culture and knowledge, each participant regains a sense of pride, worthiness, and connection to their heritage.

It is one of the most successful healing youth programs on the Reservations.

Participants include American Indian youth from Pine Ridge, Cheyenne River, and Northern Cheyenne Reservations.

These young individuals (ages 10 - 20) come from native rural communities where there are no resources to address the ongoing traumas due to poverty, abuse, and neglect inflicted on the children.  They often have only a single parent, usually the mother who is struggling with addictions.  Raised by an extended family member, these kids are experiencing verbal, physical and sexual abuse.  With no place to go to for protection or to address mental illness, they survive as they can, becoming themselves prey to addictions and sometimes resorting to suicide.  

Native Americans have always had a higher suicide rate than non-natives in the U.S., and the number is rising, especially on Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, home of the Oglala Lakota people.  In 2019, more than 100 Pine Ridge youths between the ages of 9 and 24 attempted suicide.

Please consider donating to support the Youth Ride!

$300 supports one youth for the full 4-day ride.

All donations are gratefully received! Click the donate button or contact us to find out more.